We import high tech industrial hoses like Polyurethane (PU) hoses, Silicon hoses, TPR / Santoprene hoses, Glass fabric high temperature hoses, PVC Steel wire hoses (Thunder Hose), Polyester fabric hose (PVC Coated), Aluminium foil hose, PP Air hose, Vacuum cleaner hose (EVA). Also deals in Dutron Kanaflex PVC flexible duct hoses, Suction and Delivery hoses, Layflat hoses, PVC Food grade transparent suction hoses (with / without antistatic copper wire), PVC Oil hose, Duplon PVC Braided hose, Super spray hose, Power spray hose, Rock drilling hose, Water hose and all types of Rubber hoses.
Our hi-tech hoses find its uses in every industry and a broad spectrum of usage is given below.
Auxiliary machineries like auto loaders (Vacuum hopper loaders), Mixers, Dozers, Pulverizers, Feeders, Material conveying, Dryers, Blow moulding, Packaging machinery, Food & Pharmaceuticals, Ceramic kiln outlet hose, Printing machine outlet hose, Blowers, Dust collector hoses for Wood Working machinery, Extraction of Chemical fumes and gases, Sand conveying in foundries, Surface coating, Spinning mill, Ginning mill, Weaving and hosiery, Pollution control machineries, Footwear and Rubber industry.
Plastic Vacuum Pump hose, Granule and Resin conveying, Food and Pharma use, Liquid filling machines, Wood dust collector units, Oil drains, Drinking water plants.
Ceramic kiln inlet hose, Hopper dryers, Printing machine inlet hose, Heaters / Blowers hot air inlet / outlet, Wood industry, Textile industry.
Printing machine inlet hose, Screw compressor inlet, Blowers, Hot air inlet / outlet, Paper mills, Wood industry, Open End spinning mills,
Exhaust of fumes and flue gases in Steel Mill furnaces, Ceramic kiln inlet hose, Chemical & Petrochemical waste gas / fume exhaust, Hot air inlet / outlet, Exhaust of Welding fumes with sparks.
Conveyance of glass filled and PET raw material in plastic processing and liquid transfer.
Conveyance of PET and glass filled Plastic granules at elevated temperature and also for liquid transfer.
Conveyance of light air, Welding fumes, Air conditioning and Ventilation, Printing and Lamination and also Textile machinery.
A hose which can take any shape without support. Conveyance of Air, Dust and Fumes in any industry.
Exhaust air ventilation, Electrical component / PCB manufacture, Clean Rooms and electrical plants. Kitchen chimney hose is used with kitchen waste gases / fumes.
Compact spinning suction in spinning mills, Food and Pharma powder conveyance, Wood industry, Textile mills, Plastic granule conveyance.
Industrial vacuum cleaner (dry / wet) and Swimming pool suction.
Vision & Mission
A SUPER MARKET FOR TECHNICAL HOSES – One Stop solution of all verities of hoses with at least 5 outlets on Pan India Basis. We cater to all segments of industry like Textile, Wood, Food and Pharma, Plastic Processing, Printing, Beverages, HVAC, Pollution Control, General Engineering and so on.
Technological excellence, Quality, Market Knowledge and Resources with a vision for future is our real motto. We are committed to achieve this within the next 5 years. We are constantly up with all-out efforts with a commitment to quality and Customer Services.
Continuous upgradation of quality in existing products as well as adding new technical products to our range can solve the future business challenges. Our ambition is a customer base of 25000 actual users offering them every type of hoses they require with firm “Supply within 8 Hours” policy.